
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another filled episode, with some videos and articles, but I also added some tips and insights on the new Google Analytics platform.

This week there's quite some content, and there's been some really nice information out there that I needed to share here too. But I also decided to share some perso...

A small selection of news from the world of OSINT, ranging from deep fake detection to satellite imagery.

Sometimes a new tool comes out that makes me eager to try it out, like the 'Fake Profile Detector' by v7labs that's featured in this episode. But while testing that with a variety of AI genera...

Welcome to another Monday, your weekly small collection of tools, tips, links and articles in the world of OSINT!

Even though I was back at work, I only spent some time doing some fun stuff in my spare time. I only started writing this all on Saturday, and didn't even know whether I would finish i...

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2022, with satellite imagery, maps, links, challenges, tools and more!

Hello 2022, and hello readers! I've had some lovely time off, and spent a lot of time offline, but now it's time to get into action again! The last weeks I've collected some interesting links,...

A small update on the weekly OSINT news, with some tips, a new tool for Sentinel imagery, and an article on illegal wood trafficking.

To me it seemed this was a really short week, and I hardly had time to dive into the news! I've been extremely busy with work, investigating a lot of things, mostly...

A short update from last week's OSINT news, ranging from remote sensing to threat intel information and book to read.

It was a challenge finishing this newsletter, since I actually only had time this morning to write it. I chose to go out and enjoy the lovely weather over here, instead of spending...

Hello May, hello readers! Another newsletter with tools, tips, warnings and tutorials for you to start your week.

The first item this week shows once again the landscape of OSINT is constantly changing. It's not just the new apps and platforms that keep popping up, but also the mainstream social m...

Welcome to the Monday and to another episode of OSINT related content. From real world applications of geolocation to new tools to map IP addresses, it's time again to share some links in Week in #OSINT!

Another week gone, and so many interesting things were shared again. This time I actually rece...